Why, Why, Why?

Why, Why, Why?

Seriously why do people devalue themselves? They live their life so accordingly to their worth it’s insane, not to mention sad. Your self-worth is carried around in the decisions you make every day. Here is the harsh truth, you are making shitty decisions. You...
Is Enough, Enough?

Is Enough, Enough?

I’ve helped people lose 10,20,30,40,70pounds. That is a lot of weight. Not only do they lose weight, their life changes, they change. It gets a better sense of living. Everything becomes easier and more fulfilling. Ever wanted to go for a run with your dog but...
That’s Not Good Enough

That’s Not Good Enough

We have all been there. In that place of “I don’t want to today”. That day when it all feels wrong but ultimately when we step back and reflect, it really wasn’t all that wrong. Most people can’t get control of their heads. They think in...
Which Direction Do You Want To Go?

Which Direction Do You Want To Go?

When someone decides to take hold of their life, and truly make the change, their entire world is different. It was that one moment for me. One moment, in the middle of high speed, high emotion, and high consequences I flipped the switch. I will never forget that...
Want A Spoonful of Concrete?

Want A Spoonful of Concrete?

You might not like me today. I can’t understand the sensitivity we now live in. I don’t get it. The number of people who can’t handle a hard word, can’t handle hard work, or can’t handle a hard situation is BEYOND my comprehension. Some...