Tell Me Your Fears, I’ll Tell You Your Limits

Tell Me Your Fears, I’ll Tell You Your Limits

We all set up this upper limit. That glass ceiling that stops us from reaching our full potential. You know what I’m talking about, basically, you tell me what you FEAR and I’ll tell you where your limits are. Ever wonder what your world would be like if...
I Support You (Not)

I Support You (Not)

How many times have you heard “I support you, of course, I care” Yet, when the actions call for it, it’s nowhere? I have heard this time and time again in my life. Most of the time it sounds so believable. Most of the time you don’t want to...
Everyone fights a battle

Everyone fights a battle

Everyone fights a battle, some that we are not sure we will overcome. That was me. There is a season we go through that can last. When it lasts, you really are not sure if it will ever end.   My battle began before I even moved to the States. I went from having...
Why negative people lose

Why negative people lose

Did you know I get negative comments on my social media posts? I get people who basically shit on what I put out there. They will degrade my content. This is even in regard to teaching a movement. I had someone comment on a bar muscle-up video pathetic that if this...
Clear Vision, Small Circle

Clear Vision, Small Circle

I grew up being told I was too skinny, I was too healthy and I should eat more. My surroundings didn’t understand. Soccer was a male sport, I shouldn’t be playing it. A fitness trainer is not a real job, I shouldn’t be working it. That was all I...