Everyone fights a battle


Everyone fights a battle, some that we are not sure we will overcome. That was me. There is a season we go through that can last. When it lasts, you really are not sure if it will ever end.


My battle began before I even moved to the States. I went from having this identity of a Pro Soccer Player, part of a championship team, and a well-known trainer to a nobody. As my career ended with soccer I wasn’t really given the next steps, I was forced to figure them out. I wasn’t as driven in my pursuits as I am now.


I struggled to understand aspects of my emotions, I just thought there was something wrong and I didn’t know how to deal with it. I had no idea.


All of this is to say that over time, over a long time everything was slowly crashing down on me, and I did my best to hold it up. Shoulders are only so strong to do this. 


After years of being pushed, suppressed, misguidance, and misinterpretation, I landed in a giant hole of darkness.  It was only when I came to California, I landed here on November 22nd, By January 14th I was in my first therapy session trying to stop the panic attacks and control the anxiety. Let’s do the math. In Australia it took about 2 years to build this sense of inner struggle, in America it hit rock bottom within 2 months and I was at a do-or-die point.


I don’t share this with you to get sympathy, DO NOT feel sorry for me, it was all the choices, decisions, and habits I made that led me to that position.


I share this to encourage you to listen to what is and what has been speaking to you that you are ignoring. If you know you want better health but you just keep pushing it behind you, it’s time you make that ONE decision to change. If you know the relationship you have is not lining up with your vision, goals, and core values, it’s time you take that ONE decision to change. If you are doing the same thing, be it a habit or behavior and it’s deterring you from your results, it’s time to change. 


“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results” – Albert Einstein


Change and take place in an instant, you HAVE to be willing. You HAVE to just build that inner sense of meaning and purpose.


When you are ready for that, CLICK HERE

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